Because it’s summer and the memories are just waiting to happen.
~ Unknown
So it's 10th day of my year long sabbatical and to tell you frankly, I have never been busier than this before! Few told me that they will expect me to post more recipes as I will have more time on hand to cook, photograph and blog the recipes! I just smiled and looked at my lil one who was sleeping in my arms, the only quiet in our home :) Once he is up, there is no way I get to do things I please ;)
Now after all these days, there is not a moment I can call my own. But I am not complaining! I feel blessed to wake up every morning and not worry about meeting project deadlines at work and other hundred things that revolves around work. I wake up with a smile on my face and look forward to spending many happy hours with Lil Dumpling. We colour, draw, learn our numbers and letters, talk non-stop about bugs, dinosaurs, go for long walks, play hide and seek, laugh more, sing songs, read stories, make our own stories, dance silly, cook together, talk a lot, make bubbles, splash water and create many happy memories! I am eternally thankful to get this chance to relive my childhood through Lil Dumpling.